Woofie Rescue

Welcome to Woofie Rescue

WOOFIE RESCUE is a heartwarming collaboration between Well Groomed Pets – Wellness and Grooming Center and Nationwide pet adoption shelters.

An Initiative by

Well Groomed Pets

In the fast-paced world we live in, moments of genuine connection and compassion can often feel fleeting. Yet, amidst the rush, one cause remains close to our hearts – the welfare and happiness of our canine companions. At Well Groomed Pets, we understand the crucial role shelters and rescues play in nurturing these precious lives, and we are excited to share a new initiative designed to support your mission and extend your reach. We proudly introduce Woofie Rescue, a program specifically crafted to help shelters and rescues across the country find loving forever homes for dogs in need with all costs sponsored by Well Groomed Pets.

Partnering for Paws

We understand the challenges you face daily – from limited resources to the heart-wrenching task of caring for dogs that have been through so much. Woofie is here to lighten that burden, to bring more eyes to your incredible dogs, and to help write happy endings for as many as possible.
Woofie is born from a deep-seated belief that every dog deserves a chance to be loved. This program is not just an extension of our business; it’s a reflection of our commitment to doing the right thing – helping every pup find a place where they are cherished and valued. Through Woofie, we aim to empower your efforts, enhance the visibility of the dogs you care for, and create meaningful connections that lead to lasting adoptions. We would like to focus on the dogs that have been long-term residents of your shelters, ones that you have a hard time finding that right match.

Have a dog who needs a home? Submit the dog details using the link and we will help you find a new home, at no cost to you. Get Rescued 

Woofie's Video Showcase Program

Here’s how Woofie Rescue works: We understand the impact video has on society, especially when done with compassion. We have a dedicated team that will professionally create a short video for you to showcase the dogs in your care in a way that captures their unique spirits and stories. By using the form below please submit a detailed script along with four engaging videos, four photos of each dog, and your facility’s logo. Once received, a professional video will be created at no cost to you. Once the video is created, it will be shared with you so you can join us in posting it on social media promoting those that are the hardest to get adopted.

Uniting for Canine Welfare


By participating in Woofie, your shelter not only gains exposure at no cost but also becomes part of a larger narrative that champions the #1000DogAdoptionChallenge. This initiative aims to catalyze the adoption of 1000 dogs, rallying communities and inspiring action through the simple, yet powerful belief that “Every second matters, not one second more.” Every moment a dog spends in a shelter is a moment they could be enjoying in a loving home – and together, we can make these moments count.
We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. Together, we can ensure that every second counts in the lives of these dogs. Let’s work together to make each moment one of hope and opportunity.

Have a dog who needs a home? Submit the dog details using the link and we will help you find a new home at no cost to you, Get Rescued 

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